The Richmond World Affairs Council is one of the premier forums in Virginia for discussion of national and international subjects.
Advisory Council

Data Concepts

Past President,
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

University Professor,
University of Richmond

Past CEO,
Planned Parenthood
Nonpartisan and not-for-profit, the Council is an educational organization which presents multiple perspectives on complex global issues that impact our businesses, communities, and nations.
The Richmond World Affairs Council is a civic organization dedicated to educating the public in our region about US foreign policy, global economic and environmental issues, and international politics through in-depth presentations and discussions. We are a member of the World Affairs Council of America. The Council does not take positions on issues, but encourages public discussion of many points of view. The Council provides a platform for leaders and experts in diplomacy, news, media, business, international trade, the military, arts and culture. Speakers from the United States and other nations around the globe present their ideas and perspectives at the invitation of the Council. Whether you are an expert on foreign affairs, or just want to keep up with current news, the Council offers you an invaluable opportunity to become a more effective citizen, business leader, or educator.
Our Programs
The Richmond World Affairs Council hosts a speaker series with recognized experts providing lectures on critical issues from a variety of viewpoints. It also sponsors an annual Great Decisions discussion forum, which provides the public with opportunities to actively engage each other in dialogue about the great foreign policy issues that confront our country. Finally, our Council partners with community groups, corporations, colleges and universities to promote an interest in world affairs, especially among members of the next generation.
Yearly Activities
- Deliver relevant and impactful programs that inform and challenge new thinking about global issues
- Convene diplomats, global business leaders and topical experts for forums and round table discussions
- Cultivate future leaders through programming that drives professional development and enrichment
- Collaborate with local and national organizations to enrich dialogue on critical international topics
- Foster a community of members connected by their desire to deepen their understanding of the world